How To Install Ati Video Driver In Ubuntu


More games support Linux than ever, thanks to Steam for Linux. But, like on Windows, many of these games require the latest graphics drivers for optimal performance and the fewest bugs. The latest versions of Ubuntu may include fresher drivers, but not necessarily the most recent ones.

You can install the most recent drivers yourself, but be careful: you may run into issues if you do this. Ubuntu packages and tests certain versions of the graphics drivers for each release, and doesn’t perform major updates. For maximum stability–particularly if you don’t care about gaming–stick with the graphics drivers Ubuntu provides. You may bump into bugs even if you download the latest graphics drivers directly from the manufacturer.

First,install Envyng which is a simple GUI tool that can be used to install/uninstall Video driver for your ubuntu. Just use one command in. To install ATI AMD Catalyst driver installer in Ubuntu/Linux Mint open Terminal (Press Ctrl+Alt+T) and copy the following commands in the Terminal: >> For 32bit.

Are You Using a 32-bit or 64-bit Version of Ubuntu?

RELATED:How to Check if Your Linux System Is 32-bit or 64-bit

You’ll need to know whether you’re using a 32-bit or 64-bit version of Ubuntu before continuing. To check this on Ubuntu’s default Unity desktop, click the gear in the top-right corner of the screen and select “About This Computer.” You’ll see this information displayed to the right of “OS type.” You can also check this from the terminal.

You should also install any available updates for Ubuntu from Update Manager before continuing. You’ll see an “Install Updates” button that will take care of this for you in the About This Computer window.


RELATED:How to Install Software From Outside Ubuntu’s Software Repositories

The official Graphics Drivers Team PPA–that’s short for personal package archive–is designed to solve this issue in the long term. It’ll provide updated graphics drivers. Gamers will be able to enable this optional repository and get an updated graphics stack without hunting it down, and normal Ubuntu users will be able to ignore it and continue using the stable version included with the current version of Ubuntu.

That’s the long-term goal, anyway. For now, this PPA is in testing. It also only provides NVIDIA drivers at the moment, so you’ll have to get your drivers elsewhere if you have AMD or Intel graphics hardware.

To add this PPA to your system, open a terminal window and run the following command:

After you have, run the following command to download the latest package lists:

Updated NVIDIA graphics drivers will now be available for installation. You can check the PPA’s description page to see what the latest version available is, or type the following command and press the “Tab” key to see a list:

For example, at the moment version 361 of the NVIDIA graphics drivers is the most recent one available. You’d run the following command to install it:

It’s also possible to download and install graphics drivers directly from NVIDIA using NVIDIA’s own installer. This tool is designed to be distribution-agnostic, compiling and installing the latest drivers on any Linux distribution. There’s a README for each graphics driver version that provides installation instructions and much more information.

However, it’s best to stick with packages built specifically for your Linux distribution, if possible. We recommend the PPA unless that doesn’t work for you for some reason.


AMD’s Catalyst driver–now known as Radeon Crimson, but still just the old fglrx driver–is required for the best Linux gaming performance on AMD hardware. AMD is working on a new open source driver architecture for the future, but it’s not competitive with the old fglrx driver yet.

Unfortunately, there doesn’t currently seem to be a PPA with that latest version available. They should eventually be part of the Graphics Driver Team PPA mentioned above, but for now, it isn’t.

You’ll have to install use the official fglrx driver packages provided by AMD. Visit AMD’s Linux download center and download the drivers for your graphics processor.

The exact method you’ll use to install these drivers depends on the version of Ubuntu you’re using. AMD currently provides pre-built .deb packages for Ubuntu 15.04, Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, and Ubuntu 12.04 LTS. If you’re using an older version of Ubuntu, or a new one (AMD doesn’t yet support Ubuntu 15.10), you’ll need to select the generic “Linux” option on the download page and use AMD’s tool to compile and build the packages yourself. AMD’s official Linux graphics driver installer notes will walk you through the process of downloading the drivers, installing them, and troubleshooting any issues that might occur.



Intel provides an “Intel Graphics Installer for Linux,” which will download and install the latest open source Intel graphics stack on Ubuntu. At the time of writing, the latest version was Intel Graphics Installer for Linux 1.2.1, which supports Ubuntu 15.10. Intel’s graphics installer doesn’t support any other version of Ubuntu, including Ubuntu 14.04 LTS. It’s likely to always support only the latest version of Ubuntu. There’s no PPA with this stuff, either.

How To Install Ati Video Card

Thankfully, it’s at least a graphical tool. Download and install the package and you’ll be able to launch the “Intel Graphics Installer” from your applications menu. It’ll download the latest graphics packages from Intel and install them for you.

There’s a good chance you’ll need to reboot after this. At the very least, you’ll have to sign out and re-launch the graphical X server before the new drivers will function. Rebooting is the fastest way to ensure your system is using the new graphics drivers and libraries.

If you used a software repository to install the drivers, you’ll receive updates in Update Manager when new versions are added to the PPA. If you used a manufacturer-provided installer, you won’t receive updates automatically–you’ll have to re-download and re-run the installer in the future to get the latest releases.

If you’re an owner of an ATI GPU, Ubuntu comes with a default driver for most (particularly the newer range of products). However, this out of the box driver lacks many features that the standard flgrx driver package is capable of providing.
This driver is not included by default and to enable the advanced computing functions that your GPU supports, it has to be installed.

To begin, we need to check whether our GPU is supported by the driver. To do so, head to

If your system architecture is 64bit (x86_64), you need the ia32-libs package as well.

1977 dodge sportsman motorhome circuit boards. Afterwards, we need to download the latest Catalyst release package from AMD.

How To Install Ati Video Driver In Ubuntu

Note: At the time of writing, 11.3 was the latest version available. You’re free to switch this number to otherwise to acquire newer releases.

It is a necessity to ensure that older radeon drivers and their config files are not left behind. Even if you are sure that you got rid of them, performing the following command is recommended:

Now we need to build out .deb pakage. This can be done with the following command.

The Ubuntu/maverick part is your distro identifier and needs to be changed according to your own distro.
After that’s done, all that’s left is simply installing your .deb package.

You might need to generate a newer version of your Xorg config file. There is no automated way of doing this, sadly. To begin, generate it with:

A very minimal config for an owner of the 5850 Radeon HD chip may be as follows:
Section “Device”
Identifier “ATI radeon 5850”
Driver “fglrx”

– If you own a dual gpu card, add the –adapter=all option to aticonfig.

Install Amd Drivers Ubuntu 16.04

– If you own a dual monitor setup, you need to use the commands below instead.

Esp guitar serial number lookup. Failing to abide by this will result in a ban. Please remember we are a civil community.

After all that’s done, all that’s left is forcing the use of your new config.

Afterwards reboot your computer. Then input the command below to check out that everything is running as they should.

A typical output should look like this:

display: :0.0 screen: 0
OpenGL vendor string: ATI Technologies Inc.
OpenGL renderer string: ATI Radeon HD 5800 Series (This line may be different depending on what graphics card you are using.)
OpenGL version string: 3.3.9901 Compatibility Profile Context (This line may be different depending on what graphics card and
Catalyst version you are using.)

Now, let’s try testing our gears settings.

If it hangs there, you need to disable your tls settings. This can be done with the following:

A tip:
Just in case if your desktop goes totally black thanks to some glitch, press this key combination.

Alt+PrntScr+r, Alt+PrntScr+s, Alt+PrntScr+e, Alt+PrntScr+i, Alt+PrntScr+n, Alt+PrntScr+u, Alt+PrntScr+b

It’s advised to write it down because you can’t really check anything if your screen does decide to go blank on you.

Well, that’s all there’s to it. Enjoy your new 3D accelerated setup.

Thanks again to Convexity for this post

This entry was posted on 5/26/2019.